Welcome to Arcane Sanctuary!

How we began; History:
Guild Ranking:
Code of Conduct::
Guild Events/New Developments:
Guild Housing/Vaults:
Our Heroes & Victory shots:
Personal Profiles:
Arcanes Alliance:
Alliance CHARTER:
Contact GM:

Gm's of Arcane: Elbron and Victorianna Eisdrache
Side by side n TS.


Greetings! Thank you for visiting us, or joining us. We are, along with many other wonderful people, Arcane Sanctuary; a great and upcoming guild on Galahad server, Hibernia realm, in the MMORPG game,Dark Age of Camelot. This is our site to introduce ourselves to our guests, and to each other.

Every new recruit should find this site helpful and informative.

You will learn all about our great new guild.

Myself, officers, and the rest of us, hope that you remain loyal and fight always at our side, and at the sides of our Alliance, Custos Frater (Brothers Guardians).

We belong to one of the best, if not THE best and greatest Alliances in Galahad, Custos Frater. You can learn more about the senior guilds in the alliance from thier websites or in game. You will meet them soon enough. Once you gain a few ranks from Arcanus Neonate, you will be able to speak in the alliance line.

It is important that you know about the alliance charter. You must adhere to this. The charter is posted on the Gardiens des Cieux website, or on the Alliance CHARTER page of this site.

Our colors are royal blue, and white. Royal blue chosen for its symbolization of nobility, and white for purity. The crest of emblem of our guild is the fighting unicorn, representing our beliefs of  Pride, Nobility, Loyality, Trust, Tolernacy, Trust, and Decency. You earn the right to wear the emblem as set by Mythic, at 20th level or 400+ skill in your craft of choice. When you do earn this right, wear our colors well.  Do no disgrace or dishonor us. Please see the "Code of Conduct".

Come inside and take a tour. Stay with us and experience the many journies and adventures that await you in Arcane, and in Camelot.

This site will be updated as need be. For now, well met and blesséd be on your journies.


Camelot Herald